Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain Review – PlayStation 4

Having just reviewed an EDF game about 2 months ago, I can (with some authority) tell you that the series wears its design on its sleeve. Big robots. Giant insects. Janky graphics and gameplay. An over-the-top sensibility that rides the fine line of parody.

The series has grown and changed little by little over years, but by and large it is a consistent experience. The developers of Iron Rain do their best to maintain what longtime fans come to the franchise for in the first place, while at the same time attempting to add a bit more substance.

While the various class specifications have been updated, altered slightly, and had some of their traits swapped, the prowler was a personal favorite. The class allows you to spawn a rideable insect, which was a welcome change of pace from my usual jetpack go-to.

Despite these alterations, much of what you come to an EDF game fore remains intact. Given new item management and shop features, a degree of pre-planning and strategy is now needed, where as in the past the series allowed for more a more reckless approach. While these attempts at variation are welcomed, they end up falling flat.

This certain feeling of lacking extends to the story and mission structure as well. Iron Rain strives to be taken somewhat more seriously, with a greater emphasis placed on drama and high-stakes, easing off slightly on the winking and nodding from earlier titles.

Characters are more fleshed out and relatable, but all of this comes at the cost of those big, over-the-top missions and moments from earlier titles. Iron Rain never leaves you feeling in awe of the stakes, what you need to accomplish, or the scale of opposition on screen. It’s an off-balance mix of enemies that take TOO long to go down, repetitive objectives that sometimes aren’t worth the effort, and a feeling that you’ve played better versions of this game before.

Iron Rain wants to accomplish a lot, and while it does succeed in a few regards, huge chunks of the game will leave you feeling wanting. While perhaps an interesting direction for the series, its ultimate execution is flawed and could use heavy revisions. If you’re a long-time fan, there’s no reason NOT to check Iron Rain out. New players, however, may want to wait until the next time EDF unleashes its hordes of giant bugs and robots.

Author: Mike Murphy
Mike Murphy is a freelance writer/artist based in Portland, Or. In addition to handling game reviews, he also writes comics, novels, and short stories. For more information feel free to check out or

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