Extra Life unites thousands of players around the world in a 24 hour gaming marathon to support Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Since its inception in 2008, Extra Life has raised more than $14 million for local CMN hospitals.
Follow Mike and his group of gamers this Saturday as they live stream your favorite games and be sure to donate and help those kids.
Chibi Comics Extra Life 2015 Playlist
- Galak-Z (12pm-1pm, Mike)
- Resident Evil Revelations 2 (1pm-5pm, Celina)
- The Talos Principle (5pm-7pm), Joey and Rachael)
- Until Dawn (7pm-12am, Mike and Celina)
- Life Is Strange Episode 2 (12am-2am, Joey and Rachael)
- Dragon Age Inquisition (2am-5am, Mike)
- The Binding Of Issac (5am-7am, Celina)
- Assassin’s Creed: China (7am-9am, Mike)
- Jack Party Box Volume 1 and 2 (9am-????, Everyone)
The event starts at 12pm this Saturday, November 7th.