The infamous Atlas Theater, a luxurious 1940s era movie palace and host to a shocking Hollywood tragedy, acts as the stage for independent developer Top Right Corner’s upcoming virtual reality puzzle game “The Atlas Mystery”. Releasing on Steam and Meta Quest (via SideQuest and App Lab) on April 13, The Atlas Mystery puts players into the role of the titular theater’s new floor manager. Players must navigate the labyrinthine halls of the Atlas and face a series of increasingly peculiar puzzles to solve a shocking supernatural murder mystery, and ultimately uncover the dark history behind the infamous theater.
The Atlas Mystery is a collaboration between Welcome Villain Films’ Head of Creative, Eric Kleifield, and Top Right Corner, who previously joined forces on the highly-rated game Belko VR: An Escape Room Experiment — which was created in partnership with MGM and BH Tilt to promote James Gunn’s 2017 film, The Belko Experiment.
“We really wanted to push the boundaries of what we can do at an independent level. Most escape room games confine players to small, singular environments,” said Kleifield. “With Atlas, the team at Top Right Corner seamlessly captured my love of this era and more than delivered on the vision for this experience, building a full-scale grandiose movie palace from the ground up. The Atlas Mystery is stocked with rich lore and an incredible level of detail, amounting to hours of puzzle-filled gameplay.”
The Atlas Mystery combines challenging escape-room style puzzles with a riveting investigative narrative full of shocking twists and haunting revelations, plunging players into a detailed and captivating world inspired by classic cinema and adventure puzzle games like Myst.
“The Top Right Corner team had a great time collaborating with Eric on Atlas. Our main ethos as a company is to use VR to bring audiences into unique worlds filled with spectacular detail,” said Dan Clifton, founder of Top Right Corner. “We can’t wait for players to step through the theater’s majestic doors and explore its mystique.”
The Atlas Mystery will retail for $14.99 and release next week for PC via Steam, with support for the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, and Valve Index, and for the Meta Quest via SideQuest and App Lab. Fans can wishlist the game today and take advantage of a 10% off launch week discount on Steam.
The Atlas Mystery will release simultaneously with the game’s cinematic soundtrack, which was composed by Evan Goldman (additional composer on The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Detective Pikachu) and Chris Ryan (orchestrator on Shazam!). To learn more about The Atlas Mystery and developer Top Right Corner, visit