The kings of eclectic shooters Terri Vellmann (Heavy Bullets) and Doseone (Enter the Gungeon, Gang Beasts) have released their neon-soaked, breakneck first-person shooter High Hell on Steam with 10 percent off the base $9.99 price. Devolver Digital is also offering the duo’s debut game Heavy Bullets for free when fans purchase High Hell on Steam through Nov. 2 [
Descend upon the criminal underground with the most blessed of shotguns and bring lethal salvation to those that have fallen from the light. Righteous fury and fancy footwork are crucial to survive an escalating, absurd series of outlandish missions. Pop brainwashed chimps, deface corporate effigies, and dismantle the business dealings of the unrepentant cartel in a vibrant remix of the classic first-person shooter.
“The market research team claims that High Hell is the highest testing game Devolver Digital has ever published with burning money and kicking monkeys as the primary drivers amongst millennials,” noted Devolver Digital CFO Fork Parker. “Fucking millennials.”
High Hell is available now on Steam, but if you didn’t gather that by now we’ve already failed at marketing the game. For more information about High Hell follow @terrivellmann and @doseonetweets or go ask Rico down the street, he knows what’s up.