Deep Silver and 4A Games are proud to unveil the spectacular CGI animated short, Artyom’s Nightmare. In this dream-like prologue to the events of Metro Exodus, we explore Artyom’s hopes and fears of a life beyond the ruins of the Moscow Metro.
A quarter century after nuclear war devastated the Earth, a few thousand survivors took refuge in the Moscow Metro. They believed they were the last remnants of humanity – but they were wrong. Only Artyom dared to dream of a life on the surface.
It’s time to leave the ruins of Moscow and journey beyond. But dreams can quickly turn to nightmares …
Created by the master animators of Platige Image in collaboration with 4A Games, Artyom’s Nightmare brings the haunting world of Metro to life as fans have never seen it before. “Watching 4A Games take my characters off the page and onto the screen has been a privilege,” said Dmitry Glukhovsky, author of the original Metro novels. “I hope fans will enjoy this new glimpse into Artyom’s world.”
Metro Exodus releases on Feb. 15 for Xbox One, the all-in one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, the PlayStation® 4 computer entertainment system, and PC.
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