SteamWorld Dig 2 Review – PC

SteamWorld Dig 2 is the perfect example of a great sequel. It takes everything that made the original great and makes it even better, not only on the surface with superior visuals and fun music, but also by substantially fleshing out the gameplay to make it more challenging and varied than ever before. And while these Metroidvania-style arcade games seldom need a story, SteamWorld Dig 2 manages to throw in a bit of mystery and intrigue as you set forth into the depths to solve a recent surge in seismic activity as well as locate a certain missing miner from the first game.

I said it about the original and I’ll say it again, SteamWorld Dig 2 borrows heavily on the arcade gameplay of the classic coin-op Dig Dug. You’ll chip your way through dirt and rock collecting gems, minerals, and rare artifacts while hacking away at the deadly enemies and dodging crazy traps. You’ll get to upgrade your gear, allowing you access to new parts of the mine where further adventure and danger awaits.

There is some embedded strategy within the game as you must find the perfect path to reach certain pockets of gems or avoid a certain monster, or better yet, drop that monster into an underground pool where it will drown. While you can always jump-climb most any vertical surface it is also quite possible to dig yourself into an impossible situation. You’ll need to make frequent return trips to the surface where you can sell your loot and purchase new items and upgrade existing ones, or perhaps cash in a rare artifact for a blueprint so you can craft a new item. Early on you must manually retrace your steps to the surface, but soon enough you’ll unlock a series of fast-travel steam pipes that shoot you back to the village.

SteamWorld Dig 2 definitely fits the bill of casual entertainment, as you can work yourself into a Zen-like state chipping your path into the unexplored depths of the earth only to uncover a secret room, upgrade station, or even a lost temple. There is a great sense of progression, as nearly every trip to the surface gets you a useful upgrade or a new item or ability. Most gamers will find 8-10 very enjoyable hours playing SteamWorld Dig 2.

At first glance the graphics appear to have that retro pixel-art style, but upon closer inspection you will find an amazing amount of detail and charming sprite-style animations. The use of color and the even better use of real-time lighting and illumination from your upgradable lantern give the game greater immersion and even a sense of urgency when your lantern starts to fail leaving you in darkness.  There is an excellent soundtrack to fill in around the incessant chipping sound of your pickaxe and the crumbling of rock with special cues that ramp up the intensity during boss battles.

I wish I could say more about SteamWorld Dig 2 and how good it is, but you really need to try it for yourself. If you played the original, then prepare for more but better. The screenshots don’t lie. This is as charming to look at as it is to play. Even running around on the surface talking to the townsfolk isn’t annoying and I usually hate those parts of a game like this, but this game actually embeds important tips and info in the conversations. This is the perfect family-friendly game and I highly recommend it.

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Author: Mark Smith
I've been an avid gamer since I stumbled upon ZORK running in my local Radio Shack in 1980. Ten years later I was working for Sierra Online. Since then I've owned nearly every game system and most of the games to go with them. Not sure if 40+ years of gaming qualifies me to write reviews, but I do it anyway.

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